Apparently, Rob and Kristen were both spotted together in the Paris CDG Airport today. @LoveIsGreat_ was lucky (and brave) enough to chat with Kristen. (Rob had left as soon as she had gotten the nerve to go up to them.) Unfortunately Kristen wouldn’t let her take a picture; however, Kristen did sign her cookies’ box
There is speculation as to where Robsten are going. I think they’ll end up back in L.A. <3

@LoveTheStew: ” OMG KRISTEN AND ROBERT ARE HERE ” “@LoveIsGreat_: OMG !!!!! Ya Kristen !!!!!!!! Et Robert !!!!!!!!!!!”
@LoveTheStew: ” My god ! She is so tiny !! So cuuuute #Kristen ” “@LoveIsGreat_: My goooooood !!!!!!! :O elle est toute petite !!! Trop chou #Kristen !!”
@LoveIsGreat_: I can’t believe they were in Paris !!!!! Awww :,)) wanna talk to them !!”
@LoveTheStew: ” Nice baseballcap Rob, but it’s'easy to reconize u ! “”@LoveIsGreat_: pas mal la casquette Robert , mais c’est facile de te renconnaitre !”
@LoveTheStew: ‘ She is so cuuuuute #Kristen “@LoveIsGreat_: Elle est trop chouuuuuu !!!!!! #Kristen”
@LoveTheStew: ” Maybe they’ll be in the same plane !! ” “@LoveIsGreat_: Henn peut etre qu’ils seront dans le même avion que moi :O”
@LoveTheStew: ” Awww she put her head on his shoulder so cuuuute ” “@LoveIsGreat_: Awwww elle a mis sa tete sur son epauuuuuule trop chouuuuu !!!”
@LoveTheStew: “@LoveIsGreat_: Los Angeles + Kristen + Robert = DEAD :,))))“
@LoveTheStew: Shit, Rob’s leaving , gonna talk to k “@LoveIsGreat_: Merde, Robert vient de se lever :/ bon tant pis je vais parler a Kristen qd même :,))”
@LoveTheStew: Omg i have an autograph of Kristen she is so cute !“@LoveIsGreat_: J’ai un autographe de Kristen !!!!! Elle est trop chouuuuu :,))))))”
@LoveTheStew: She signed my cookie box bc i didn’t had any paper“@LoveIsGreat_: Elle a du signer ma boite de gateau lool psk j’avais pas de papier :,)))”
@LoveTheStew: And she loves paris according to what she told me :,))“@LoveIsGreat_: Et elle adore paris en plus elle m’a dit :,)”
@LoveTheStew: Wow she has 2 phones Oo ! A bb and an iphone ! :O“@LoveIsGreat_: Wow elle a 2 telephones Oo ! Un blackberry et un iphone :O”
@LoveTheStew: Awww she waved at me while leaving she is so cuuute !“@LoveIsGreat_: Aww elle m’a fait coucou en partant !!!!! Elle est trop chouuuu :,)))”
@LoveTheStew: ” Are that we’ll be in the same plane ! ” “@LoveIsGreat_: Ou qu’ils seront dans le même avion !”
@LoveIsGreat_: My autograph !!!!!!!“
@LoveTheStew: They WERE in Paris. Not ARE. They gilr who saw them is on her way to Los Angeles
@LoveTheStew: They were at CDG airport ( Paris ) they were leaving. Stop asking me the same questions please !
Thanks to @LoveTheStew for the Translation of @LoveIsGreat_‘s Robsten Fan Encounter! 

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