Robsten con la hermana de Rob, Lizzy !
El mejor momento fue cuando Robert Pattinson y
Kristen Stewart tenían sus brazos alrededor del otro, mientras charlaban con
los invitados. Ellos estaban hablando con Lizzy, y Kristen dijo algo en
auto desaprobación - Rob dijo "Cállate! Eres increíble." Él la adora.
Rob tenia sus dedos en el bolsillo de los
vaqueros de Kristen, ellos se reían juntos y siendo tan lindos ..awwwww
@joshuahorowitz:: SWATH party was fun. Chatted with Rob for a while about Cosmopolis. We've got some stuff in the works!
- SWATH party estuvo divertida, Hable con Rob por un rato sobre Cosmopolis. Nosotros tenemos algunas cosas en las que trabajar!
- SWATH party estuvo divertida, Hable con Rob por un rato sobre Cosmopolis. Nosotros tenemos algunas cosas en las que trabajar!
- Vi a Robert Pattinson y Kristen Stewart. Juntos! Ellos casi estuvieron teniendo una conversación privada de incognitos.
@ELLEUK: RPatz is in the building. #SWATHPremier #AfterParty Robert has a cap on. Kristen is in Nike sneakers. Understated cool. #SWATHPremier #AfterParty #InLove
@Jessie_Vee: RPattz chatting to sister Lizzie. How sad is it that I know that? #swath. KStew is whispering in RPattz's ear. They are too cute #SWATH #SWATHpremiere. Close up of KStew's pretty hair do. I'm getting closer. KStew watching the band with #swath director. She's teeny tiny! I got it guys! RPattz and KStew together. Then the bodyguard told me off #swath For the #Robsten tweeps: best moment was when R&K had their arms round each other as they chatted to guests #SWATHpremiere. They were talking to Lizzy and Kristen said something self-deprecating - Rob said 'shut up! You're amazing.' He adores her. Then Rob started talking to Lily Cole, posed for a few pics then went out the back. Rob had his finger in Kristen's jean pocket, they were giggling together and being cute
@ELLEUK: RPatz is in the building. #SWATHPremier #AfterParty Robert has a cap on. Kristen is in Nike sneakers. Understated cool. #SWATHPremier #AfterParty #InLove
@Jessie_Vee: RPattz chatting to sister Lizzie. How sad is it that I know that? #swath. KStew is whispering in RPattz's ear. They are too cute #SWATH #SWATHpremiere. Close up of KStew's pretty hair do. I'm getting closer. KStew watching the band with #swath director. She's teeny tiny! I got it guys! RPattz and KStew together. Then the bodyguard told me off #swath For the #Robsten tweeps: best moment was when R&K had their arms round each other as they chatted to guests #SWATHpremiere. They were talking to Lizzy and Kristen said something self-deprecating - Rob said 'shut up! You're amazing.' He adores her. Then Rob started talking to Lily Cole, posed for a few pics then went out the back. Rob had his finger in Kristen's jean pocket, they were giggling together and being cute
RPattz hablando con su hermana Lizzie. Que tan triste puede ser eso, verdad? #swath
KStew susurrándole al oído de Rob. Estoy acercándome. KStew ve la banda con el director de SWATH, ella es tan delgada. Lo tengo chicos! RPattz y KStew juntos. El guardespaldas me dijo ¨fuera¨. Los mejores momentos cuando ellos tenían sus brazos alrededor de ellos, ellos hablaban con los invitados. Estuvieron hablando con Lizzy y Kristen dijo algo muy desprecavida - Rob dijo ¨ cállate - eres asombrosa¨. Él la adora, después Rob comenzó hablar con Lili Cole, poso para algunas fotos después fueron afuera. Rob tiene su dedo en el bolsillo de Kristen del jean, ellos estuvieron flirteando y siendo muy dulces.
@Meli1518 Rob was there with his baseball cap on :) and the only Pattinson I saw was Lizzy. Anddd Ruth omg met at the bar and smile to each other she's fierce lol. HGB was serious business though like a boss. And everyone ended up at the Stewart table Sam,Charlize,Chris, lol that's where the party was atI'm back in my hotel Rob and Kristen left like 45 mins ago. ASB dancing hilarious!! Kristen was dancing to the live and I was like behind her and we smile to each other shes the cutest dancing there and having a blast. And Kristen hugging Rob and Rob holding her like her Jeans aww I died. Kristen was wearing jeans, her Nike shoes ( I think ) white tshirt sleeveless and black Bra and the hair was the same from the red carpet.
Rob estuvo ahí con su gorro de baseball y el único Pattinson que vi fue a Lizzy. Y a Ruth, OMG, la conocí en el bar y sonrio, ella es feroz. HBG estaba en un pensamiento de negocios serios como un jefe. Y todos terminaron en la mesa de Stewart, Sam, Charlize, Chris, esa fue una fiesta. Estoy de vuelta en mi hotel. Robsten se fue hace 45 minutos. Kristen estaba bailando a la vida, estaba detrás de ella y nos sonreímos mutuamente, ella es muy dulce bailando, se la estaba pasando genial. Kristen se arrecostada donde Rob, y él la sostenía de sus jeans awww Morí.
@crowsef About to start work in the cloakroom for the after party of a film premiere. (@ Royal Courts of Justice)Okay it's for Snow White and The Huntsman but it still counts. Coat check update: Robert Pattinson's coat smells like whiskey and grass. Coat check update: Charlize Theron has just checked a coat with pockets full of shredded paper (?)Coat check update: Chris Hemsworth just handed us a large, warm thong. He didn't say a word. May be here longer if Kristen Stewart keeps dancing on that table. Waiting staff are drawing lots to see who has to stop her. @wearebr_and: Robert Pattinson in his trademark baseball cap at the #CirocVodka #SWATH premiere @wearebr_and: #RPatz enjoying #CirocVodka cocktails at #SWATH premiere party.
Fuente @LaSagaRobsten
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